User Management
Create Security Questions

Create Security Questions API

Welcome to the documentation for the Create Security Questions API. This API helps user's create security questions for authentication.

Base URL

{baseURL}/v1/users/create-security-questions | POST


Include the following Authorization header in your HTTP requests using a Bearer token:

Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN

Request Payload

security_questionsarraybody✅ YesArray of security questions and answers.
- questionstringarray✅ YesUnique identifier for the security question.
- answerstringarray✅ YesUser's answer to the security question.

Sample Request

curl -X POST {baseURL}/v1/users/create-security-questions \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
   "security_questions": [
            "question": "6408750686aba885d609e702",
            "answer": "111"
            "question": "6408750686aba885d609e703",
            "answer": "1113"
            "question": "6408750686aba885d609e704",
            "answer": "1112"

Sample 200 Response

  "message": "Security questions created successfully",
  "success": true