Fund Transfer History

Fund Transfer History API

Welcome to the documentation for the Fund Transfer History API. This API allows users to retrieve the history of fund transfers for a specific account within a given date range, This API can only be used for a Date span of three months.

Base URL

The base URL for this API is {baseURL}/v1/transaction/fund_transfer_history/:account_number.


  • Path: /:account_number
  • Method: GET

Path Parameter

  • account_number: The account number for which fund transfer history is to be retrieved.

Query Parameters

  • fromDate: The starting date of the date range for fund transfer history (format: YYYY-MM-DD).
  • toDate: The ending date of the date range for fund transfer history (format: YYYY-MM-DD).


Include the following Authorization header in your HTTP requests using a Bearer token:

Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN

Sample Request

curl -X GET '{baseURL}/v1/transaction/fund_transfer_history/:account_number?fromDate=2022-03-01&toDate=2023-02-07' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
  -H 'accept: application/json' \

Sample 200 Response

    "message": "Transaction History fetched successful.",
    "data": {
        "is_successful": true,
        "message": [
                "id": 518493,
                "current_date": "2024-02-12T13:50:20",
                "is_reversed": false,
                "reversal_reference_no": null,
                "withdrawable_amount": 0,
                "unique_identifier": "8VRN72MUS90Z",
                "instrument_no": "8VRN72MUS90Z",
                "transaction_date": "2020-09-07T00:00:00",
                "transaction_date_string": "Monday, September 7, 2020 12:00 AM",
                "reference_id": "A20090728125",
                "narration": "First Intra transfer of the day",
                "amount": 1901,
                "opening_balance": 99992937,
                "balance": 99991036,
                "posting_type": "ISOPosting",
                "debit": "19.01",
                "credit": "",
                "is_card_transaction": false,
                "account_number": null,
                "service_code": "1007",
                "record_type": "Debit",
                "product_info": null
                "id": 518487,
                "current_date": "2024-02-12T13:47:33",
                "is_reversed": false,
                "reversal_reference_no": null,
                "withdrawable_amount": 0,
                "unique_identifier": "6MK89XJLY866",
                "instrument_no": "6MK89XJLY866",
                "transaction_date": "2020-09-07T00:00:00",
                "transaction_date_string": "Monday, September 7, 2020 12:00 AM",
                "reference_id": "A20090728122",
                "narration": "Secondt Intra transfer of the day",
                "amount": 801,
                "opening_balance": 99996440,
                "balance": 99995639,
                "posting_type": "ISOPosting",
                "debit": "8.01",
                "credit": "",
                "is_card_transaction": false,
                "account_number": null,
                "service_code": "1007",
                "record_type": "Debit",
                "product_info": null
        "customer_id_in_string": null,
        "transaction_tracking_ref": null,
        "page": null
    "success": true