Account Lookup

Account Lookup API

Welcome to the documentation for the Account Lookup API. This API allows users to lookup account details based on the provided account number and bank code.

Base URL

The base URL for this API is {baseURL}/v1/transaction/account_lookup.


  • Path: /
  • Method: GET


Include the following Authorization header in your HTTP requests using a Bearer token:

Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN

Query Parameters

  • account_number: The account number for which details are to be looked up.
  • bank_code: The bank code associated with the account.

Sample Request

curl -X GET '{baseURL}/v1/transaction/account_lookup?account_number=00510011011003213&bank_code=035' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
  -H 'accept: application/json' \

Sample 200 Response

    "message": "Account lookup successful.",
    "data": {
        "name": "Prince randy",
        "bvn": null,
        "kyc": null,
        "is_successful": true,
        "session_id": 182398,
        "response_message": "",
        "default_gateWay": "ISW",
        "institution_code": null
    "success": true